The Icelanders of Victoria is a chapter club of the Icelandic National League of North America (INLNA). Our focus is on Icelandic heritage, culture and traditions. Membership is open to anyone that shares these interests, whether or not if Icelandic is your ancestry. Our club hosts annual events such as a Þorrablót banquet, Iceland Independence Day picnic and a Christmas social. The club enjoys regular screenings of Icelandic movies and documentaries, visiting singers, artists and lecturers. We also host “coffee socials” for visiting Icelandic tour groups and dignitaries to round out our cultural calendar. In addition through University of Victoria, the Richard and Margaret Beck Trust Lecture Series sponsors lecturers on Icelandic history, literature, folklore and art.
Click any image or text below to for more information on our club, events and membership.
Our Board of Directors wants to hear from our members! If you have questions, would like to join or volunteer, have comments, suggestions, or new ideas, please contact us at

Our annual membership fees are very affordable: the categories are: single, student, couple, family, seniors and senior couples. And you don’t have to have Icelandic heritage to join – just a passion for all things Icelandic!
Is Iceland calling you? The Iceland-based Snorri programs are an immersive experience with the culture, people, language and landscapes of our ancestral homeland.
New Beck Lecture Series Dates for 2025 (Jan-March)!
UPCOMING: Sunday, January 19th @ 2:00pm – Trauma, Healing, and Poetry in the Icelandic Sagas. Led by Torfi Tulinius from the University of Iceland.
Potluck and Movie Night – Jan. 30th from 4:00pm-8:00pm at the Norway House!
Icelandic Film Festival – Feb. 10th @6:30pm. Join us at Capital 6 Theatre and watch The Day Iceland Stood Still.
If you’re looking for ancestors, relatives, or famous people in Iceland’s history, this expansive English-language database is the best resource for Icelandic genealogy.
Just click the Vegvísir icon, and see where it takes you…….